SOFICO-Intercem: EP Contract for cement plant in Haiti



The cement plant is designed for all departments of the cement plants:

  • Crushing of raw materials
  • Raw material storage and homogenisation
  • Raw mix control
  • Raw mix material grinding and kiln dedusting
  • Raw mix material storage and pre-blending
  • Clinker burning and storage
  • Cement grinding
  • Cement storage
  • Cement packing & truck loading
  • Coal grinding plant

Project description:

In general the contract contains the crushing and storage of limestone/additives, a raw material grinding plant, a raw material homogenisation silo with the feeding system to the 5-stage single-string preheater tower including pre-calciner.

The rotary kiln has a capacity of 5.000 tpd clinker and a kiln filter system. The clinker cooler is equipped with an air/air heat-exchanger and bag filter to dedust the system.

The clinker will be stored in a 100.000 to clinker storage and the cement grinding plant with a VRM has a capacity of 6.000 tpd.


The cement will be stored in 4 x 5.500 to concrete cement silos with bulk loading stations. 3 x 8 spout rotary valve bag packers including 4 x truck loading systems have a capacity of 8.000 tpd.

The scope of supply includes the entire engineering, project management, transport, mechanical & electrical equipment and the supervision of the civil works, mechanical and electrical erection works and the supervision of the commissioning.

The engineering and the deliveries will be executed according to the Best Technology Available (BTA). All equipment will be delivered from first-call manufacturers based in Germany or other EU countries.

The execution of this ambitious project will be based – as usual – on the motto:

Fast. Fair. Flexible.


New order for Intercem from Sea Invest in Côte d’Ivoire



After completion and successful commissioning of the EPC-based ship unloading system for Sea Invest in Abidjan, Ivory Coast in Q4/2017, Intercem was again contacted by Sea Invest, this time regarding the extension of the existing ship unloading system for the CIMAF cement grinding plant in San Pedro, Ivory Coast, also based on EPC. The contract was agreed between the Vice President of CIMAF in San Pedro, Melik Sefrioui, and the Managing Director of Intercem, Olaf Michelswirth. The order includes a 3D scan of the existing system to ensure planning reliability. Intercem will carry out the engineering, foundation work, supplies, installation and commissioning. Completion of the contract is scheduled for Q4/2018.

Sea Invest – Shipment loading system put into operation


The order Intercem received from Sea Invest at the end of 2016 which included the supply of troughed belt conveyors and all associated components and the EPC-based transfer tower – from piling, foundation work, steel construction, cladding of the building, roofing of the belt bridges, the necessary filters and chutes to the electrical equipment, installation and commissioning – has now been handed over without delay as contractually agreed.
The ship unloading system comprises two conveyors with a length of 100 m and a capacity of 1200 t/h. The first belt can be loaded with material over its entire length by a hopper. Two towers were built, one with a height of approx. 8 metres and the second with a height of 34 metres. A generator located in the lower part of Transfer Tower 2 provides the emergency power supply.
The ship unloading system was built to be connected to the 2 x 50,000 t clinker silos and the raw material warehouse for Cim Ivoire. This means that the clinker and raw material can be unloaded truck-free in order to comply with the new regulations of the port authority in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire.


France – Cem’In’Eu places semi-turnkey order for cement grinding plant with ball mill



Intercem will supply a closed circuit ball mill with vertical high efficiency air separator, mill type two compartment ball mill, Ø 3.20 m x 10.00 m EGL. The first compartment is equipped with lifting liners to assure powerful impact for coarse grinding. The second compartment is equipped with a 3-step classifying liner system to assure ball sorting with high fine grinding action. The intermediate diaphragm allows material flow adjustment to optimize material level in both compartments. Intermediate and outlet diaphragm assure maximum air ventilation.

Installed mill power: 1.300 kW side drive, separator type: Intercem vertical high efficiency separator.

Product collection: Direct separation by air jet filter (70.000 m³/h)

Intercem will execute the following services:

Plant engineering and documentation including mechanical, civil and electrical engineering, programming works and documentation, mechanical assembly works and their supervision as well as mechanical and process commissioning and the training for operators.

The ground breaking ceremony will be held in October 2017 and the start of production is scheduled in April 2018.


West Africa – Official inauguration of train unloading station in Cimfaso-Burkina Faso



In connection with the 3 big orders Intercem has been granted with by Cim Metal Group in West Africa, Cimfaso in Ouagadougou, Cim Ivoire in Abidjan and Cimasso in Bobo Dioulasso, a further step has been taken. Each of the 3 cement grinding plants will also have a train loading respectively unloading station, planned, engineered and supervised by Intercem. The first train unloading station was finished in August 2017 in the Cimfaso plant in Ouagadougou.

For the professional mastering of logistical obstacles, the raw material transport was complemented by the procurement of 200 train wagons, the first 50 of which were received mid of August at the Cimfaso plant in Ouagadougou and officially inaugurated by the Minister of Transport of Burkina Faso. According to the PDG of Cim Metal Group, this project is a revolution in terms of transport of raw materials and will support the development of companies in logistics, environmental protection and of course, it will create 50 new jobs – in the unloading hall and along the maintenance system of the train route.

Cim Metal Group, with its policy of development and expansion, has decided to add these wagons to the existing vehicle fleet of 500 trucks, aiming at the improvement of the provision of clinker to the Cimfaso site in Ouagadougou and the Cimasso site – under construction in Bobo Dioulasso, as well as the transport of limestone from the Burkina sites to Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire.


Intercem meets Burkina Faso’s State President on 21.03.2017 in Berlin


At the beginning of 2015, the cement grinding plant Cimfaso in Ouagadougou was commissioned with a grinding capacity of 135t/h and has been performing trouble-free since then. Intercem received a further order for a 6.500 t/d cement grinding plant in Bobo-Dioulasso, which will be the largest cement grinding plant in Burkina Faso. Further construction permits will not be granted.

Moreover, Intercem is currently building an 8.000 t/d grinding plant in the neighboring country Ivory Coast, which was ordered by the same investor, Cimmetal Group. The investor is very interested in the good bilateral relations between Intercem / Burkina Faso and the neighboring countries and he is planning further expansions in the bordering friendly countries. State President Roch Marc Kaboré appreciated this information and will support the projects.

State President, H.E. Roch Marc Kaboré, was accompanied by further seven ministers of his country, who were ready for detailed discussions after the meeting in order to map out further investment opportunities. The state development program PNDES (NATIONAL PLAN FOR ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT), among others, is available for those kinds of projects and actively provides financial support for further investment shares until 2020.

It was agreed to have further discussions concerning the development of the country Burkina Faso for the future economic benefit making use of the good experiences with Intercem for Burkina Faso.

Ivory Coast-New order for Intercem placed by Sea Invest



In connection with the current order for the delivery of a 8000 tpd cement grinding and packing plant for CIM IVOIRE in Abidjan/Ivory Coast, Intercem was granted with an additional order by Sea Invest for the raw material transport from the new ECO Hopper to the clinker silos and the additive storage.

This order includes the delivery of trough belt conveyors as well as all related components and the transfer tower on an EPC base – from the piling, the foundation works, the steel construction, the cladding of the building, the roofing of the belt bridges, the necessary filters and chutes to the electrical equipment, the installation and the commissioning.

Moreover, the scope of supply contains the measurement of the local conditions with a 3D scanning system as well as the mechanical, electrical and civil engineering.

Commissioning is planned for Q4 2017 to ensure the raw material supply for CIM IVOIRE. An extension by further trough belt conveyors is previewed in order to come up to the challenging demands for raw material supplies of the country’s cement industry in the future.


New hot gas system for a coal mill in Lebanon

In December 2015 Intercem was awarded the contract by Lafarge-Holcim for the turn-key-supply of a hot gas system for a coal mill in Chekka, Lebanon. By realizing this project, energy costs during operation for the cement plant will be consequently reduced and the specific labour need will be optimized.

This project is already the second contract for such kind of applications between Lafarge-Holcim and Intercem. In 2013 a hot gas system was realized in a cement factory in Jordan.

The new hot gas system in the coal mill plant in Chekka connects the preheater with the coal mill and comprises a hot gas duct with a length of 360 metres and a diameter of 900 mm. The process data of the hot has outlet of the heat exchanger are of 18.500 Nm3/h at 400°C.

Besides diverse ducts, a cyclone, a process fan and several control dampers, compensators, the complete instrumentation and automation as well as a new recirculation duct with 2 control dampers at the existing vertical coal mill were supplied.

The turn-key scope of supply and services includes

  • Project management
  • As-built-survey of the existing plant using 3-D-Laser scanning
  • Review of the statics of the existing steel structure and concrete construction
  • Process- and detail engineering
  • Supply of the mechanical equipment including steel structure
  • Coordination of the locally produced components
  • Supply of the electrical equipment including clarification of connections and integration into the existing control systems
  • Execution of the complete foundation works
  • Transport management
  • Electrical and mechanical assembly of the plant
  • Commissioning of the hot gas system
  • Training of the operating team


The turn-key-handover to the customer is planned for Q4/2016.

Once again Intercem could prove that its motto “Fast, fair, flexible” is more than an advertising slogan. It is realized by Intercem and continuously leads to success.