New order for Intercem from Sea Invest in Côte d’Ivoire



After completion and successful commissioning of the EPC-based ship unloading system for Sea Invest in Abidjan, Ivory Coast in Q4/2017, Intercem was again contacted by Sea Invest, this time regarding the extension of the existing ship unloading system for the CIMAF cement grinding plant in San Pedro, Ivory Coast, also based on EPC. The contract was agreed between the Vice President of CIMAF in San Pedro, Melik Sefrioui, and the Managing Director of Intercem, Olaf Michelswirth. The order includes a 3D scan of the existing system to ensure planning reliability. Intercem will carry out the engineering, foundation work, supplies, installation and commissioning. Completion of the contract is scheduled for Q4/2018.

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